Whatever one frequently thinks and ponders upon, that will become the inclination of the mind.



Janis’ spiritual name is Mansukh Kaur which translates as a lioness whose heart and mind are filled with peace.

  • Master Organic Gardener Off-Grid Homesteader for over 30 years

  • Kundalini Yogi Teacher/Facilitator

  • Embodied Dream Imagery Practitioner

  • Astrological Counselor

  • Introvert

  • Artist

Janis has been pursuing a path of learning and sharing her gifts for over 30 years and would love to support you on your journey!

The Homestead

Janis stewards 300 pristine acres of land in East Johnson, Vermont. The land has moved through many incarnations in her care and is now poised to serve as a sanctuary, Sangha, and laboratory for eco-conscious and community living in the Aquarian Age.

Janis welcomes dedicated Earth stewards and meditators to support the development and co-creation of this beautiful land through residency positions and through the Sangha.


Natal Chart Readings & Astrological Dreamwork Sessions

Your birth chart is a snapshot of the heavens taken at the at the exact time and place of your birth. Its a seed image of your soul an archetypal map of the psyche. The transits of the outer planets tell you a bit about the timing of this seed and function as thresholds of transformation of consciousness. Astrology is a useful tool for gaining perspective and meaning in times of turmoil or a particular experience or phase of life, targeting periods of crisis and opportunity.

Kundalini Yoga Meditation

Kundalini yoga’s immediate effects need to be experienced to be understood. Just 3 min of breath of fire (a rapid equal inhale exhale breath done by pumping the navel) can have a positive affect on your whole day. Kundalini combines breathing, mantra, mudra, postures, meditation and relaxation to support self-awareness, clarity, radiance and grace. It’s a useful technology in this age of information overload and transition.


Embodied Dreamwork

Embodied dreamwork is an interaction with the dreaming state involving the whole body.  All dreams are working on your behalf to bring healing and wholeness and Janis will help guide you through these different states allowing these unacknowledged parts to have a voice.


Print Making & Crafts

Creative space, sacred crafts, working with clay and printmaking are other forms of meditation for Janis and a passionate passed time.

The sum is greater than the whole of its parts.

Living and working at Awakening Mountain or booking a one-on-one session with Janis are some ways to embody a healthy lifestyle and integrate these healing modalities into your own journey.