Embodied dreamwork allows unresolved unlived experiences to be known and integrated


Dreamwork Sessions

Embodied dreamwork—pioneered by Jungian analyst Robert Bosnak—is an interaction with the dreaming state involving the whole body. As your dream facilitator I will guide you back into the dream through a series of questions that help one explore the dream images using the body as a container, noticing the feelings within the body that arise as you relive your dream not just from the standpoint of the ‘ego or I’ in the dream, but from a host of other dreaming perspectives. By holding many different often conflicting feelings simultaneously one can experience profound therapeutic effects.

All dreams are working on your behalf to bring healing and wholeness. Dreams are pure nature and show us the unvarnished natural truth and will often compensate or counter balance for our conscious attitude. The dream will often bring a dream figure or state that will have strong qualities reflecting this unacknowledged, un lived part of ourselves. In the dreamwork I will help guide to experience these different states allowing these unacknowledged parts to have a voice and to be fully integrated into the body.

At the conclusion of the dreamwork session after having received birth data information before the session, I will call upon my astrological dreamwork knowledge sharing any connections or themes I see reflected in the birthchart that may relate to the dreamwork.