The Blog

Time in the garden, on the yoga mat, in the meditation hall, and in dream space stirs creativity and contemplation.

The Composting Privy
janis comb janis comb

The Composting Privy

I am a strong believer and practitioner of composting outhouses or privy’s. I could use the term composting toilet but this is not the right description. I am a strong believer of squatting so that is why I do not include the word toilet in my description. The toilet was a British invention designed for English and French kings who had portable thrones called “close stools” The kings refused to squat like the common folk.

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My Spiritual Name: Mansukh Kaur
Mansukh Kaur Mansukh Kaur

My Spiritual Name: Mansukh Kaur

In the kundalini yoga tradition we can request a spiritual name. This is determined by your birthdate as well as the time of birth. All women receive the name “Kaur” as part of their spiritual name which means princess or lioness who walks with power and grace and all the men receive “Singh” as part of their spiritual name which means Lion who walks with courage and grace.

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Awakening at the Forest Refuge
Mansukh Kaur Mansukh Kaur

Awakening at the Forest Refuge

Entering the Forest Refuge is similar to the ancient days of India when people would escape the mundane world to the forest where yogis, outlaws and outcasts of conventional society dwelled. In the forest there were no rules. Memories of the past and plans for the future did not apply. In the forest the most radical of all human journeys can take place. One is allowed to unite with one’s innate purity- that awake, spacious presence of being often called Buddha nature or wholeness in Jungian psychology.

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